Pathways To Freedom
3 Saturday Morning Workshops
8th February, 8th March, 5th April
A Series Of Workshops
With Gen Osung
“The three higher trainings are the actual method to attain permanent liberation from the suffering of this life and countless future lives. This can be understood by the following analogy. When we cut down a tree using a saw, the saw alone cannot cut the tree without the use of our hands, which in turn depend upon our body. Training in higher moral discipline is like our body, training in higher concentration is like our hands, and training in higher wisdom is like the saw. By using these three together, we can cut down the poisonous tree of our self-grasping ignorance, and automatically all other delusions – its branches – and all our suffering and problems – its fruits – will cease completely. Then we shall have attained the permanent cessation of the suffering of this life and future lives – the supreme permanent peace of mind known as ‘nirvana’, or liberation. We shall have solved all our human problems and accomplished the real meaning of our life.”
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Modern Buddhism
Saturday 8th February
10am – 1pm
Saturday 8th March
10am – 1pm
Saturday 5th April
10am – 1pm