Overcoming Distractions
Training In Concentration
Saturday 8th March, 10am – 1pm
With distraction we cannot accomplish even mundane tasks, let alone experience the fruits of our spiritual practices. When we are continually distracted by delusions it is as if we are trapped between conflicting emotions, our mind blown about like a balloon in the wind. Instead of controlling our delusions, they control us.
Course and Teacher

As our modern life seems to encourage distraction, how can we get some control over our mind and develop concentration?
On this half day course we will learn various Buddhist meditation techniques to free our mind from distraction, and start to overcome the main obstacles to developing concentration.
£15 | free for standard/gold centre card holders

Gen Kelsang Osung
Gen Osung is the Resident Teacher at Heart Jewel Centre.

“Normally, when we try to meditate on a virtuous object, such as our precious human rebirth, impermanence or emptiness, our mind does not stay tranquilly placed on that object. Instead it is constantly distracted elsewhere. At such times the mind is like a candle flame blown about by the wind. Such a flickering light does not allow us to see things clearly. Similarly, for as long as our mind is blown about by distractions we cannot focus on our object of meditation clearly. If we could construct a protective screen of concentration around our mind, the focus of our meditation would become immovable and we would have an undisturbed view of any virtuous object we chose.”
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso “Meaningful to Behold”